Finish line in sight for Mackay Aquatic and Recreation Complex
Sport in Mackay is set for a big win thanks to a new sporting precinct at Central Queensland University’s Mackay campus, complete with an Olympic pool and an athletics track.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack, who visited the site yesterday, said the project will provide a new athletics facility and aquatic centre, both meeting international competition standards, for the Mackay, Isaac and the Whitsunday region.
“The athletics facility will feature a synthetic running track, long jump pits, a water jump, discus, hammer and shot put circles, high jump fans and javelin runways; not to mention the multi-use playing fields and fully-equipped clubhouse and canteen,” Mr McCormack said.
Assistant Minister for Children and Families and Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said the aquatic centre will provide an Olympic 10-lane, 50-metre competition pool, in addition to two smaller pools with accessible ramp access.
“The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government’s almost $10 million investment will boost economic growth in the region and we look forward to people taking advantage of these tremendous new facilities once they are complete early next year,” Ms Landry said.
“My hat goes off to Pierre and his colleagues at CQ University for having the vision and forethought to deliver such high quality sporting facilities; soon to be the envy of regional Australia.
“This project is further evidence of what is possible when different funding bodies work together to deliver real job-creating infrastructure for our communities.”
Member for Dawson George Christensen, who joined the Deputy Prime Minister and Assistant Minister Landry on site today said huge sporting infrastructure projects such as this not only bring communities together but also provide great job opportunities.
“This fantastic project created 50 new roles during construction and will support 12 ongoing roles once the centre is complete,” Mr Christensen said.
“The new precinct will offer all of our residents high-quality sporting facilities in the one location, allowing them to showcase their talent in major regional competitions.”
Mayor of Mackay Greg Williamson said the completion of the two venues would provide all Mackay residents with a sports precinct dedicated to both fitness enthusiasts and professional sportsmen and women in the region.
“This multi-facility precinct will offer all our residents high-quality sporting facilities in the one location, allowing them to showcase their talent in major regional competitions,” Cr Williamson said.
“It’s also a tremendous recreational asset for our community, with excellent learn-to-swim facilities and heating and shade to ensure residents can enjoy a dip year-round.”
This project is jointly funded with the Federal Liberal and Nationals’ Government investing $9.9 million and Mackay Regional Council $13.8 million.
{Original Media Release published here on Hon Michael McCormack’s website}