Townsville Community Comes Together at Mater Private Hospital
We captured some fantastic moments at last week’s NAIDOC event, held on site at the Mater Private Hospital Townsville, where Paynters are delivering the highly anticipated Multi-Storey Carpark project.
It was wonderful to hear firsthand from Torres Strait Islander artist Gail Mabo. Gail explained how her artwork aligned with the theme of NAIDOC Week (Heal Country), with country described as the inspiration for the work alongside the other three clans of the Townsville region.
Together with our project partner Mater, we were thrilled to host key community members, including Member for Herbert and NAIF Representative Phillip Thompson, local Elders and a number of Paynters Indigenous subcontractors and training partners.
Morning tea, provided by local favourites Lindiloo Catering, consisted of indigenous-inspired dishes for hospital staff, construction workers and community leaders to enjoy.