Dolphin Stadium making a grand entrance
Paynter Dixon Queensland have already achieved milestones at this early point construction, with the Earthworks in full swing! Please see attached the full article within the Redcliffe Dolphins publication Dolphins News, March.
Stage One of our Dolphin Stadium is under way and builders Paynter Dixon have already achieved milestones at this early point in construction.
We have our fingers crossed that the weather maintains its current level and allows us to get the stadium out of the ground.
If we have a significant downpour during this critical time of earthworks, we could end up with a massive pile of mud as the hills are very much exposed.
I invited Moreton Bay Regional Mayor, Cr Allan Sutherland, to view the progress and Allan was suitably impressed.
I told Allan that once completed, this stage would allow 4000 fans seated comfortably and sitting right on top of the action.
We envisage that the heavy machinery will be off the turf of Dolphin Oval in May, allowing a returf and repair of the western side of the playing field.
A solid working platform for cranes etc was needed to be laid to hold the heavy machinery. This encroached about 10 metres on the playing surface, which will need tender loving care to allow our football players to grace Dolphin Oval once again.
During this period we have two home games which will be allocated to neighbouring clubs or to a close country ground.
The QRL has certain standards required to allow a QRL Intrust Super Cup game to be held, which eliminates many local grounds nearby.
However, once these games are allocated and approved by the QRL, our fans will be informed.
Once the ground is repaired, games can take place at Dolphin Oval once more.
This will allow patrons to view games on the Eastern Hill while construction continues on the Western Grand stand.
Services are available during this time with amenities, canteen and a temporary beer booth all included in the current Eastern Hill facilities. Shade is provided by the trees on the top of the Eastern Hill.
Hopefully we will complete the stand about late July or early August and have a heap of back-ended home games to finish the year with.
The first half of the season will be difficult for our Dolphins, but if we finish round one in good shape, it will be a great sea breeze to carry us home for the remainder of the 2016 season, and hopefully on to ultimate glory at the revamped Dolphin Stadium.