If You Hear Something, Say Something

May 3, 2019

May marks the start of Domestic Violence Prevention Month (DVPM) in Queensland, a time of year dedicated to raise community awareness of the social and personal impacts of domestic and family violence.

This year, Paynters wanted to turn our focus towards this prevalent social issue. Our team made a pledge to support organisations throughout 2019 that make a real difference in the lives of individuals who suffer or have suffered domestic or family violence. We believe every individual has the right to feel safe, included & supported.

This morning, our Brisbane team held a morning tea in support of DVPM, collecting gold coin donations from staff on behalf of White Ribbon Australia.

This is one of many events throughout 2019 in which Paynters staff will fundraise for several fantastic organisations that are changing the lives of DV victims and their families.

We encourage all Queensland businesses to do what they can to support Domestic Violence Prevention initiatives. Every little bit helps & we are here to play our part within the community. And remember, if you hear something, say something.

#domesticviolenceprevention #breakthecycle #dvmp