Mango Hill SSC Trainees Put in the Hard Yakka!

September 16, 2021

It’s not often we capture a photo of all our school-based trainees on site at once!

We took the rare opportunity to snap our hardworking trainees onsite together at Mango Hill State Secondary College – Archie, Logan and Braith. They are gaining some valuable experience in commercial construction, working alongside Paynters as we deliver multiple new buildings on site, including a Performing Arts Centre, Food and Hospitality Centre, Art and Design Centre, Senior STEM Centre and Sports Precinct Amenities Building.

The boys are working towards their Certificate II in Civil Construction, undertaking 50 days of paid site work to complete their traineeship (in addition to being assessed as competent in their 16 course units).

After completion of their traineeship, the boys will be geared up to apply for apprenticeship opportunities!