Mates Helping Mates

October 10, 2023

On World Mental Health Day, it is important to acknowledge the prevalence of mental health disorders in Australia. According to the ABS, 42.9% of Australians aged 16–85, have experienced a mental disorder at some point in their life.

The construction industry in particular, faces a growing challenge with mental health disorders, high suicide rates and psychosocial hazards in the workplace, making it imperative for us to address mental health issues proactively, and avoid the ‘toughen up’ mentality.

MATES in Construction provide an integrated industry intervention program, endeavouring to reduce mental health disorders and suicide rates amongst workers in the construction industry. We recently had MATES on site, where some of our team members and subcontractors completed General Awareness Training. Invaluable practical guidance was provided on the ‘signs and indicators’ to look out for in your mates and colleagues – things you might know / notice / hear.

As we continue to conduct additional MATES training on site and within our offices, we aim to equip additional team members with the skills and knowledge to become Connectors to keep someone safe in a crisis and connect them with professional help.

Thank you to Cathy and Dave from MATES for coming out and delivering this important training to our team.

Remember, you never know what others are going through, mental health disorders are not always visible.

In times of crisis, please remember these essential support services:

MATES in Construction – 1300 642 111
Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14
Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467