Redcliffe Hospital East Ward Refurbishment & New Pathology
The East Ward Redevelopment project involved staged works on both levels 2 and 6 of the Redcliffe Hospital. The first part of the contract was the design & construction of a single storey stand-alone building at the rear of the main hospital building; enabling the Pathology Department to re-locate and free the space for a later separate project relating to the Day Procedure Unit (DPU) and Central Sterilising Department (CDS) and Anaesthetics. Despite encountering contamination in the form of asbestos containing material (ACM) within the subgrade, we were still able to maintain the target timeframe to ensure the Pathology Department could relocate as planned and not delay subsequent level 2 redevelopment works.
Concurrently, works were undertaken on level 6 east ward areas, commencing with stripping out the entire area to expose bare concrete slab and soffits. This made way for a contemporary architectural fitout of the ward, complemented by new engineering services. With the building being approximately 35 years old, some compliance upgrades were required such as the introduction of smoke and fire separation to meet current Australian Standards, Codes and Health Facility Guidelines. Both work zones were located in an active and fully operational hospital facility, presenting key challenges from: construction, access, noise, duty, vibration and importantly, infection control requirements.