Jimbelunga Nursing Centre, Eagleby
This project was completed in 2017 for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Services (ATSICHS) Brisbane. The project is a 55 bed extension to an existing facility, and provides culturally appropriate care and services for all older people with a special focus on those from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait community.
The project also involved an extensive landscaped area, with excellent inter connectivity to the main building. The Paynters project and site managers as well as the construction team were oriented by the Paynters Head of Aged and Retirement/Supported Living to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design guidelines particularly with regard to the external landscaped areas. This assisted the Project and Site Managers understand the design philosophy and intent, from a cultural perspective. This was particularly helpful when the onsite Jimbelunga Manager and others from ATSICHS initiated conversation and sought assistance from the Paynters Site Manager with decisions, particularly with regard to some modifications requested in the large external garden.