Oral Health and Cancer Care Centre, Bundaberg Hospital
The Bundaberg Regional Oral Health and Cancer Care Centre constructed by Paynters for Queensland Health are co-located in a new building on the existing hospital campus.
Oral Health and Cancer Care are accommodated in separate areas of the building with Oral Health on the ground floor and Cancer Care on the first floor. Cancer Care Centre comprises 12 chemotherapy chairs, 2 isolation bays, multidisciplinary and cancer specialist consultation suite, allied health facilities, more than 30 additional car parks (approximately 119 car parks total, clinical education and research facilities and production Pharmacy. Oral Health includes a 13 chair dental facility and laboratory, general and specialist oral health service, school Dental Services (SDS), resource centre for the promotion of oral health, Central Sterilising Department, and laboratory services including manufacturing of prosthesis.
There were unique challenges encountered as part of the works. This included the successful implementation of a Cultural Heritage Agreement with local Indigenous people, including special inductions of site staff and the engagement of Indigenous spotters during the earthworks.