Oral Health and Cancer Care Centre, Hervey Bay
The Hervey Bay Oral Health and Cancer Care Centre are co-located in a new building constructed by Paynters for Queensland Health on the existing hospital campus.
Oral Health and Cancer Care are accommodated in separate areas of the building with Oral Health on the ground floor and Cancer Care on the first floor Cancer Care Centre comprises 14 chemotherapy chairs, 2 isolation bays, a multidisciplinary and cancer specialist consultation suite, allied health facilities, more than 30 additional car parks (approximately 38), clinical education and research facilities and a production pharmacy Oral Health incorporates a 16 chair dental facility and laboratory, general and specialist oral health service, school Dental Services (SDS), resource centre for the promotion of oral health, laboratory services including manufacturing of prosthesis and a central Sterilising Department.
Works were programmed around 5 staging milestones specified by the client and to minimise impacts on the existing hospital’s ongoing operations. Paynters was praised for its proactive approach and good communication. The project was completed ahead of the time allowed under the contract and has delivered a much needed facility for the region of Hervey Bay.