Prins Willem Alexander, Netherlands Retirement Village – Stage 2
This project, delivered under a Managing Contractor procurement arrangement, involved a major upgrade to the existing buildings at Prins Willem Alexander Village at Birkdale.
The facility had been completed in 2006 and comprised a 34 bed Special Needs Unit, in a quadrangle configuration with shared bathrooms and some shared bedrooms, with a large internalized central courtyard. It also provided a 30 bed high care unit, also with shared amenities.
The client held concerns regarding the size, design and layout of the Special Needs Unit. Following an operational review, the Paynters Aged Care team worked collaboratively with the CEO and Director of Nursing, and advised the swapping of the two units. That is, the conversion of the high care unit to become a Special Needs Unit with reduced numbers of residents, and the Special Needs Unit to become the high care unit. This decision was based on the physical design/layout of the two wings and the extent of building work (and hence capital development cost) that would be required to provide the client with an improved care and service outcome for the two units. In addition, it provided improved operational outcomes with the newly refurbished high care unit achieving terrific integration with the recently completed new building.